For those of you just tuning in, the TAT stands for Trans America Trail, a 5000 mile dirt route across the United States. From Tennessee, we'll follow the trail all the way to the Pacific Ocean along the Oregon Coast. Follow us here as we document our adventure over the next six weeks. More info on the trail at

Monday, September 12, 2011

100 miles from home and...

My piston has seized up. Spent last night in Fresno with my mom and was apparently in too big of a hurry to get home to see my wife. Now I know what happens when you ride a dirt bike at 95-100 mph for most of a day. So here I sit in the sand of the Sonoran waiting for the calvarly to arrive in the form of Brian Williamson (The Man) and Bea with a pickup truck.


  1. i agree with BW being the man, nothing BW and big red can't handle

  2. Thank goodness for "The Man" and "The Woman"! You are one lucky man Josh! Welcome home!
